We care about the planet we live on, all the living beings that inhabit it and their future. This is why we produce items in recycled and 100% recyclable plastic, saving the environment 62 million empty bottles every year.
Founded in 1991, Ecoplast produces items for daily use in the household, gardening, ecology, professional and cleaning sectors. The products made from recycled plastic and 100% recyclable combine design and utility. Attention to detail and detail, resistance and durability are characteristics that make Ecoplast articles unique and recognisable.
The “Plastic Second Life” brand is an environmental certification system for products derived from the treatment of plastic waste recovered from separate collection and industrial waste. It is an environmental product certification, which makes the materials and products obtained from the valorisation of plastic waste recognisable, and whose specifications are recognized by Accredia.
The company processes, from conception to production and packaging, are carried out on Italian territory
The path we have decided to follow in recent years goes towards eliminating waste and reducing the impact that our products can have on the environment. It is an ambitious but necessary path that we do not want to give up on. We love our planet and want to relieve it of the burden to which we have subjected it.
Our products are made using energy from renewable sources.
We are equipped with photovoltaic solar panels to meet company energy needs (1 megawatt/hour) and cover 80% of energy needs during daylight hours.
In our factories we use fully electrically controlled machinery and vehicles and for transport we collaborate with local suppliers. These actions allow us to significantly reduce Co2 emissions.
Copyright Ecoplast 2024